So, is there money to be made in virtual reality?

The potential to earn significant income may surprise you.

Ailin Graef was just another player [in the online game Second Life] with a virtual avatar named Anshe Chung. Today, Anshe Chung Studios has 80+ employees managing thousands of virtual rental properties, helping design new 3D virtual chat rooms, and making tons of money on virtual to real currency exchanges. Anshe was the first person whose virtual property exceeded a real world value of 1 million US dollars.

Airbit (a Sound Click competitor) CEO Wasim Khamlichi said producers have earned over $32 million on his online music platform alone with a few producers making six-figures every year selling [music] beats.

Twitch is a live-streaming platform for gamers and other lifestyle casters. Twitch streamers “broadcast” their gameplay or activity by sharing their screen with fans and subscribers who can hear and watch them live. On average, expert streamers can make between $3,000 to $5,000 each month playing around 40 hours a week. That, plus ad revenue which averages about $250 every 100 subscribers.

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